Will Lawyers learn from innovation #IN Google Search?

Lawyers may benefit by learning from Google has radically and innovatively changed its definition of search.

Did Google Kill Search?

In February 2011 Google appears to have radically changed how they define search, the first such large scale change since Google came to market. 

While no one outside Google knows, it looks like Google search is now;

·     1/3 Google Algorithm rather than 100% before February 2011

·     1/3 Social Signals – Twitter & Facebook and other influencers

·     1/3 Web site ‘Experience’ – based on site interactions



This ‘formula’ was articulated to me and displayed here only to show the significant perspective change Google may have taken related to search. 

The old definition of search had degraded so much that it would be fair to say that change was not an option so it may be useful to consider changes in search perspectives for legal professionals who are hard pressed to deliver low cost effective eDiscovery results to their clients.

Lawyers and Legal Search

Lawyers and legal firms are extremely focused on search, but not for the reasons you would think.

Search in legal markets is a money maker though one piece of the eDiscovery puzzle its promise to lawyers, courts and their clients is that it will help ‘uncover’ or mine a ‘smoking gun’ for plaintiffs or defendants.

We believe that Google’s innovative changes to search are a cause for a pause and consideration of how lawyers and legal firms and services providers might deliver cheaper, faster or better eDiscovery.

Lawyers, eDiscovery & Google

The legal industry, like any other, has interesting stories and myths and the mythology of search appears to be quite unique to eDiscovery vendors and services providers.

Electronic search is not solely defined by Google but Google does influence search and searcher perspectives so we start with Google’s search interactions to understand its influence on lawyers and eDiscovery. 

Answers, Questions & Lawyers

Searchers typically have a question in their mind or focus on an answer and seek ‘content’ to clarify their question or justify their answer.  Lawyers may not be that different than other searchers.

eDiscovery Costs & Proportionality

Lawyers are honest professionals and act in the best interests of their clients, though very lucky when it comes to search as their clients pay the costs of eDiscovery searches.  There is considerable RISK and cost related to eDiscovery search and as a consequence the courts have favoured the concept of proportionality to share costs among legal action participants.

While proportionality is a good idea, it may not impact the rampant and easy manipulation of eDiscovery.

·     Do we really need costly eDiscovery every time?

·     Is there a measure to help us determine when?

·     Can’t we use our own tools and trusted employees in eDiscovery?

·     Is any business value created in the eDiscovery process?

eDiscovery as By-Product

If search is important to eDiscovery, is eDiscovery important to search? 

It may be that properly executed eDiscovery projects would yield findings that can be recycled or re-used by the rest of the business rather than ‘throw away results’ suitable on for lawyers or trials.

Search Standards, eDiscovery & Quality

Some eDiscovery vendors appear to be lobbying for the creation of eDiscovery search standards.  An interesting position, though in our experience precision reduces the flexibility needed to accommodate constantly changing search objectives—all searches are different.

Search quality is held up by some vendors to justify eDiscovery standards though quality is a measure that changes with objectives.  To clients quality may mean achieving an outcome un-related to search, to vendors quality may mean excluding competitors that don’t meet their standards.

Is Search a Measure or Process?

Search is simple, we need something, don’t know where it is, so we search. 

Search has a starting point, ending point and many ways to measure results.

Search standards are great if fixed processes create high quality outcomes.  I’m not sure that any form of search standard would deliver such a guarantee regardless of the skills and consistency of searchers.

The ROI of search is usually evaluated by search results un-related to the process of search, so it seems that focusing search to an eDiscovery scenario or outcome may help improve assessment of search quality.

Search, Social Signals & YouTube

When Google pushed past Yahoo in the mid to late 1990’s entrepreneurs quickly figured out how to exploit search engines to make easy money by stepping between product manufacturers and millions of buyers on the web. 

As a consequence every manufacturer or re-seller that didn’t take counter-measures saw their brands pushed down in search engine results pages (SERP) which instantly made their brands invisible to people that used web search to find products or where to buy them. 

The web created new competitors to manufacturers and may have significantly devalued their brands and while Web buyers could go anywhere to buy anything they quickly became distracted by options as measuring and deciding on 2 or 3 options is not the same as looking at 1,000.

Silicon Valley Search Battles

The value of search as initially defined by Yahoo, Google and a handful of other Silicon Valley firms was ‘degrading’ and would quickly get worse as the Venture Capitalists that invested in competitors to Yahoo and Google needed a way to make money. 

A few years later VC’s found an ingenious investment vehicle where they could successfully make money in the IPO market–Social Media software platforms Flickr, Word Press, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

People soon found that they would rather trust people rather than search engine spiders or the advertisers that fed them and the Silicon Valley VC’s happily to delivered Social Media software platforms to markets.

Follow the Money

Social Media would not become wildly popular until early 2009 but the SEO entrepreneurs responded very quickly as their ‘easy money’ was quickly drying up.  They fought back by creating ‘instant’ content or backlinks to manipulate SERP lists.  Large vendors like Adobe also saw the writing on the wall and created or purchased content generation engines; Adobe acquired Day Software and AOL acquired The Huffington Post.

Shortly afterwards web amateurs finally saw the ‘easy money’ they too climbed aboard the gravy train, the value of search as defined by Google in the late 1990’s degraded even faster.

Google then responded to protect the value of its search franchise by acquiring Metaweb, a semantic database firm, started its own blog platform, added the notion of ‘social signals’ to search by achieving Twitter feeds while simultaneously pushing the SEO entrepreneurs to create video content and feed its YouTube pipes and squarely target old-school Media conglomerates.

Search is a technical topic though simple and rewarding if searchers keep the right perspective according to the outcome that they need to accomplish.

Ask us about Predictive and Agile Search!


Nick Trendov @eDiscovery_ @Groups_Groups @SpeedSynch @ResonantView

ROI Mining, Re-Capture & Re-Use

ROI Re-Capture, just like ‘Carbon Capture’, is based on a simple concept that content, like carbon, is a by-product of work and relationships between people, content and processes are created when projects are planned and executed. 


While the energy stored in carbon may take some time to Re-Use, the ROI embedded in content and expertise may be exploited very quickly if properly aligned to future projects.


ROI Mining, Re-Capture, Re-Use

ROI or return on investment is a calculation that identifies the value created by an investment in a project and typically the value measured excludes content that is created during a project.  Mining the content value of previous projects, internal content or content from suppliers or customers, represents an opportunity  to quickly exploit value that you have already created. 


Rather than start from ‘zero’, SpeedSynch’s ROI Re-Capture methodology is used to map people, content and process relationships and then tune content to the new project and delivered quickly to the right people at the right time.


Our ROI Re-Capture approach exploits SpeedSynch internet marketing software and Social Media “Resonance Maps’ to align content to the right people according to their process and project needs. 


SpeedSynch Resonance Maps and ROI Re-Capture

SpeedSynch Resonance Maps may be crafted from content in databases, email, Twitter or Social Media sites to help the project team, inside or outside, ramp up fast.  IT projects or Advertising and Marketing programs may benefit equally from ROI Re-Capture.

Our Resonance Maps create value in three broad areas–


1.     Wayfinding or Navigation – SEO is a small part of this value.

2.     Accelerated Learning – align content to process and people relationships.

3.     ROI ‘Re-Capture’ — mine and align existing content to future projects.

Contact us to ask how we can help you Mine, Re-Capture and Re-Use ROI yours or from your suppliers or customers.



Nick Trendov @Groups_Groups @SpeedSynch @ResonantView

Twitter Resonance Maps lets see what’s #in everyone’s mind


Nick Trendov @Groups_Groups @SpeedSynch @ResonantView






GIST #in novation in #workstyle Twitter Conversation speeds up Instant Content Creation or Curation




Nick Trendov @Groups_Groups @SpeedSynch @ResonantView


RIM aims to Rule Social CRM and win the battle for your Eyeballs

It looks like RIM has a great chance at winning the Social CRM battle for your eyeballs–a battle that Apple doesn’t even know about, because of GIST, but can they trump both Yahoo and Google?

What is GIST?


Gist looks like a great competitor for Yahoo Pulse and no doubt will be confused by many people as a Social CRM application, indeed this is what Gist says, but don’t be confused, it is an aggregation space that allows users to switch perspectives between people, companies and content.

We are looking to Gist to take our Resonance Maps above and treat them like another content source.

Keep a close look at Gist and RIM as we believe they will be a formidable combination in the market which has left SEO behind in the dust and is moving from Social Media spaces to a Groups focus.

We believe Advertisers, Executives, Lawyers and Marketers will quickly learn to fear groups.


Nick Trendov @eDiscovery_ @ResonantView @SpeedSynch nick@scenario2.com @Groups_Groups

Link Bait Counter Measures, SpeedSynch Resonance Maps & Marketing SLA

Posterous Link Bait Resonance Map



Fast Link Bait ‘re-Quote’

One of the fastest way to respond to obvious and damaging link bait is to ‘re-quote’ and then submit your perspective of both the link bait and consider the use of SpeedSynch Counter-Measures using our

Marketing SLA and Resonance Maps. 

Marketing Link Bait Counter Measures Exemplar #IN Posterous

Marketers who spin negative stories to distress competitors may not be so smart and are open to Link-Bait Counter Measures which actually works in favour of their ‘target’ as evidenced by the attempt on Posterous today.

Rich Pearson

ugh. @ posted uninformed Posterous link bait – – and my inbox is full of q’s from worried users


Posterous Link Bait Resonance Map


Fast Link Bait ‘re-Quote’

One of the fastest way to respond to obvious and damaging link bait is to ‘re-quote’ and then submit your perspective of both the link bait and how the story  may have a negative impact on people despite the original motivation.  The re-quote below is one possibility, and as a second option consider the use of SpeedSynch Counter-Measures using our Marketing SLA and Resonance Maps.  


“Blogging platform Posterous is reinventing itself as a mobile sharing app for groups, TechCrunch says…since 2008 to catch up to …Tumblr, even calling their users to defect…Now Posterous…a mobile app which makes it dead simple to share media like pictures…mobile sharing experience…competititon…Instagram… Posterous has always been a nice product and…success.” 


SpeedSynch Counter-Measures



  1. Identify Link Bait Resonance
  2. Share Resonance Map with Bloggers
  3. Create unique ‘counter-measure’ blog posts that ‘resonate’ for each Link Bait keyword with the ‘real story’.
  4. Posterous the ‘counter-measures’
  5. Determine if ‘counter-measures’ are effective and repeat if necessary.
  6. Note that SpeedSynch Counter-Measures are not meant to ‘suppress’ SERP results and indeed we are bashed by SEO folks who attempt to displace us from the first page during a SpeedSynch search in Google, Yahoo and BING.

    Our experience with Posterous has been brilliant and we synchronize Postersous to WordPress, Twitter and LinkedIn.

    Help out Posterous by posting your own experience.


    Nick Trendov @Groups_Groups @SpeedSynch @ResonantView




New RIM Playbook #IN Legal or Marketing Project Groups

The new RIM Playbook is a valuable addition for Legal or Marketing project groups as it allows them to exploit highly secure RIM Blackberry servers that conforms to international corporate IT standards. 



The RIM PlayBook is capable of 1080p HD video, incluces an HDMI port, microUSB jack, WiFi, and Bluetooth 2.1 at one half a kilogram to provide “an amplified view of what’s already on your BlackBerry…” to “…use their tablet and smartphone interchangeably without worrying about syncing or duplicating data.”

The RIM Playbook tablet allows you to siphon data from your BlackBerry handset via Bluetooth tethering to display via the PlayBook.

RIM’s Playbook OS comes from recently acquired QNX and supports OpenGL, POSIX and HTML5 web standards and RIM’s new WebWorks SDK.

RIM Playbook Tablet Resonance Map


Join us to see how RIM’s Playbook helps your Legal and Marketing project Groups.


Nick Trendov

@SpeedSynch @Groups_Groups @eDIscovery_ @ResonantView