IKEA Self-Assembly Ad Rules #IN Trans #Media Internet Advertising

A Brilliant IKEA ad that goes beyond its internet marketing or adverting value as it gently startles the reader to re-live the experience.

This interactive banner ad offers us a simple blueprint for great TransMedia or Cross Media campaigns where future customers are offered guidance to assemble unique story elements found in different places or spaces according to their CURRENT needs rather than values targeted by marketers and advertisers.

X-Media campaigns have great promise at a time where the value of SEO is rapidly declining and search is being displaced by Social Media for finding or refining questions or answers.

Self-assembly of stories is the core value we offer to our clients and we use our SpeedSynch Resonance Maps to help customers align their current or future needs to the content, products or processes. 

We welcome you to join us and explore this with us.

Nick @SpeedSynch

ThinkState TransMedia Innovation #IN a Resonance Map

This is ThinkState TransMedia Innovation #IN a Resonance Map via SpeedSynch Internet Marketing Software.



Marketing ROI #IN Metrics and Service Level Agreements

Global marketers have a tough job, work harder, have less resources to coordinate global marketing campaigns across Twitter or other Social Media platforms and must justify their ROI from financial and marketing measures and best practices.

So why don’t marketers make use of Service Level Agreements for Social Media Marketing campaigns?

It is relatively simple to link marketing spend, media messaging and ROI with simple Marketing Service Level Agreements.

Marketing ROI and Service Level Agreements

Consistent messaging across global Twitter, Social Media and TransMedia campaigns is critical to maximize marketing ROI and this is how we bridge the gap between ‘hard’ numbers demanded by Executives and work done by advertisers.

Three Rules for Marketing Service Level Agreements

  • Identify Social Media or Cross Media spaces to deliver content.
  • Set ‘Message Themes’ for Social Media or Cross Media spaces.
  • Reward compliance with ‘Marketing Service Level Agreements’.

 Manage 1,000 International Bloggers    

None other than Sylvester Stallone shows us how he uses Twitter to catch up to and pass two formidable competitors, Leonardo DiCaprio in Inception and Angela Jolie in Salt.

Stallone’s movie Expendables was due for release on the first weekend in August 2010 and had been beaten to market for the lucrative summer student crown by Angela Jolie and Leonardo DiCaprio.  The summer competition was about to get hotter.

Stallone and Twitter Crush Competitors

About three weeks before the release of Expendables I had begun an intensive research project around the use of Twitter by individuals and companies for communications and learning.

Quite by accident shortly after my research started we explored the value of Twitter’s ‘Trending’ metrics and noticed a name that I hadn’t seen in quite a long time–Sylvester Stallone, and it looked like a ‘billion Brasilian’ Tweets were expressing anger, surprise, shock or happiness about Stallone and the movie about to explode onto theatre screens, Expendables.

Naturally after three weeks of mostly nightly cascading waves of Tweets from Brasil or Brazil, depending on your location, Sylvester Stallone in Expendables crept past Salt and exploded with a sonic boom as is overtook and crushed Inception.

Stallone’s Twitter campaign had crushed Inception’s old school Google or SEO style promotional push.

When I showed our semantic and numerical analysis to our clients they were dumbfounded and I had been enlightened to the value of Twitter’s Resonance Advertising Model ‘instantly’.

Here is what I saw at a high level.

  1. Brasilian Tweet ‘waves’ on Twitter shows hundreds focused on Expendables, Stallone and Brasil or Brazil
  2. Twitter’s Trend metrics show Sly, Stallone or Expendables climbing to number one night after night in Brasil
  3. After reviewing the Brasilian Twitter streams we found common patterns around the Expendable ‘Tweets’
  4. We ‘pointed’ our SpeedSynch tools and processes to the Twitter streams
  5. A SpeedSynch Resonance Map is created with Semantic tools from a number of Expendable Twitter streams
  6. Twitter SpeedSynch Resonance Map — GRAPH and THEMES
  7. Twitter SpeedSynch Resonance Map — GRAPH and SIGNATURE
  8. Twitter SpeedSynch Resonance Maps — DiCaprio vs. Stallone

Note differences in ‘Themes’  and ‘Signatures’ or messaging relationships between the DiCaprio and Stallone Twitter streams.

SpeedSynch Resonance Maps and 1,000 Bloggers

We use our client’s messaging focus to create a Marketing Service Level Agreement and SpeedSynch Resonance maps to guide messaging themes for bloggers, advertisers or any way we use to deliver our content to the market space or place.

Creating theme targets to provide to synchronize bloggers is critical and simple with our SpeedSynch Internet Marketing Software and this is how its done — 

  1. Choose the documents that represent your message ‘focus’.
  2.  Provide SpeedSynch Resonance Map or Message Theme to guide the creation of Tweets or blog posts. 
  3. Create a Service Level Agreement to aid bloggers craft unique content guided by the Marketing Service Level Agreement.

Marketing Service Level Agreements focus your spend on specific ROI targets to add value and reduce risk for your marketing programs and corporate brand.

Contact us to see how we link marketing spend, media content and ROI with Marketing Service Level Agreements.


Nick Trendov @SpeedSynch  www.speedsynch.com 

Perspectives #IN E-Discovery – Learn faster by exploring what is top of mind of E-Discovery Expert Chris Dale

SpeedSynch Resonance Map of Fast Company’s BOING BOING article

SpeedSynch Resonance Map Inspiration for A New Holy Trinity — People, Mobile Phones and Buying Behaviours

The SpeedSynch Resonance map of the McKinsey HRB article that inspired A New Holy Trinity –People, Mobile Phones and Buying Behaviours


A new Holy Trinity #IN Internet Advertising — Mobile phones, People and Buying behaviours.

Budget cuts force advertisers to focus on influence buying behaviours during their next purchase and we expect their attention to shift from SEO internet marketing or Social Media platforms to mobile marketing as mobiles phones, people and buying all go together.

Mobile Phones

The statistics about global mobile phone use are impressive, billions of people now use mobile phones, though buying is a personal experience and it is simple enough for anyone to observe how often a mobile phone is present when anything is purchased.  Advertisers have long tried to tap mobile phones and condition people to tell them where they are as they travel with incentives like FourSquare or other software platforms that reward them to ‘declare’ where they are, what they buy and who is with them.


People buy for their own reasons and change their measures of success according to their goals, resources and situations.  Advertisers and marketers simply have no way to predict what people will buy regardless of their previous behaviours so reaching them as they are in the process of buying is a very attractive proposition and mobile phones appear to be the answer to an Advertiser’s dilemma of how to attract buyers to their products when everything is a commodity.

Buying Behaviours

There have been many attempts to find ‘secret patterns’ that people use as they buy including ‘hunter and gatherer’ models based on thousands of years of observations to ‘swarm theory’ created by observing animals or insects searching for food. 

 At best the comparisons focus advertising or marketing budgets in the general area where buyers may be found and at worst advertisers spend their money and never find individual buyers and add the the ‘level of noise’ that people contend with as they buy.

Our approach to predictive buyer behaviour analysis is based on Resonance, the concept used by Twitter for their advertising business model and for anyone interest in patterns I recommend the work of Bryan Davis, who in my experience avoids abusing patterns by not linking the desire of what people want to achieve to the patterns that appear in their situation.

Mobile Advertising and Internet Marketing

Searching for information almost always preceeds a purchase and people have shifted their dependence on information sources from physical sources like Yellow Pages, Yahoo and recently Google’s combined Search/SEO choices to ‘hot’ Social Media platforms which currently command over 50% of all searches.  

As people have shifted how they search they are challenged to wade through all of the content that is available, content that once provided a great value has become awkward to navigate by its size.  Wayfinding has become an issue and Content Resonance, recently championed by Twitter in its Advertising Revenue Model, appears to offer a good option to information ‘gatherers’.

The popularity of mobile telephones as the on-ramp of choice to Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook means that fewer people use desktop browsers and that Google can no longer return 3,000,000 ‘hits’ or URLs for us to examine before finding where we want to go.  Fewer hits means less advertising dollars and I personally would not like to see more that 10 or 20 good options of where to go to find answers when using my mobile phone.

Mobile phones have become the preferred way to access Social Media platforms and present an new opportunity for internet advertisers and marketers to reach people during their next purchase, if only they could find out how.

Privacy, Trust and Mobile Market Warfare

 Internet Privacy appears to have been downplayed by Facebook and comments by Google’s CEO who push the convenience of SEO, search and their software though privacy is very important in their experience of buying and strongly linked to trust

There are many companies that see the mobile market space as the next frontier in opportunity–Nokia, RIM, APPLE, Sony, Microsoft and Google among many, many others.  The simple reason is that the mobile telephone appears to be a viable replacement to the Search Engine and the internet browser.

Oddly enough the wild success of Android will kill SEO faster and the growing number of Android APPS or application will kill Android as few people will know which are useful and fewer Android publishers or developers will make money without playing the privacy card or looking for private user data, in our opinion.

Advertising Innovation and Cross Media

Cross Media, also known as TransMedia, is an approach to delivering messages, stories or advertising to people across different media channels according to how people interact with those channels.

Cross Media works best when taking a person’s perspective and delivers stories or advertising messages where they can be found rather than ‘herding’ people to products.  It is natural and fits into the ‘hunter and gatherer’ pattern sought by advertisers.

Our work with behaviour patterns and story delivery has identified another area of improvement for advertisers or marketers–measures.  Most measuring and analytical tools focus on old marketing and people interaction models or behaviours and don’t measure what cross media marketers or advertisers need for success.

For those who wish to explore Cross Media we suggest Dentsu’s Cross Switch site and our own SpeedSynch Resonance Maps.


Nick Trendov @SpeedSynch  nick@scenario2.com

Global Risk and Opportunity #IN North American Mergers and Acquisitions.

Cantor Chief sings praises of U.S. Equities in 2011 is a simple wake up call that we are about to see new global risk and opportunity related to mergers and acquisitions in North America.

Beyond Unemployment or Growth

Mergers and acquisitions typically lead to growth for companies or brands and unemployment as companies change how they operate as a different business.  People become unemployed as their skills may not match the new company processes or new direction or become unemployed as they work for a competitor that must adjust to a harsh new reality.  Unemployment always seems to follow M&A though the best companies re-train new or existing employees and may ‘teach’ the rest of their competitors a better way to do business.  Either way M&A leads to changes that affect people locally and globally.

BPO Factories and Big Consultancies

The accelerating trend to outsourcing manufacturing and back-office jobs in the past 20 years has created overseas opportunities around the notion of the factories the scale of which unthinkable in North America, sometimes a single city factories, created to drive efficiency up and cost to the lowest possible level. 

Specialized business process outsourcers or big consultancies that operate BPO factories that offer savings or other benefits to their clients are now exposed to the risk that their relationships or business models will be destroyed or re-formed as a consequence of M&A activity.

M&A and Outsourcing

Global companies that merge with or acquire North American companies have their own relationships with consultancies and BPO outsourcers and are at very high risk if there are drastic changes in their markets.  Likewise the BPO or consultancy that sees the possiblity of a merger or acquisition has the ability to adapt existing contracts or form new relationships with acquirers to reduce potential risk or make their client, the acquisition target a more attractive entity and guarantee continuity of their work.

BPO Outsourcing and Innovation Risk

The BPO factory is big and efficient yet is at risk to new innovation that may render it obsolete quickly due to changing client needs of their clients that may erode the value generated by the BPO information factory regardless of contractual obligations.  Sooner or later if the BPO factory cannot adjust to new market realities will be closed.

Connecting the M&A Dots

Insight to M&A activity and the impact on BPO factories provides high value to consultancies and the BPO factory managers as well as the clients that benefit from their services.

Environmental scans are one way to understand market opportunities where new BPO factories can be established, even in North America, or determine how to best deploy new technologies in the market so that existing BPO factories don’t collapse when M&A results in changing relationships or business models.

M&A and Legal Risk

People have a hard time analyzing the data required to understand the global implications of M&A and the impact to BPO factory costs overseas relative to customers in North America–too much data and not enough time.  This analysis dificulty may lead to Risk exposure related to mis-understaning or contractual obligations, inappropriate or missing processes and exposure to quicker or smaller competitors which lawyers see manifested as Intellectual Property suits, Class Actions, Non-Disclosure or Non-Compete violations.

The massive amounts of data that must be processed globally to address these or other M&A related disputes is enormous and has spawned E-Discovery outsourcing which itself is exposed to Risks that include infringements of Privacy.

Faster Insight Depends on People

Understanding the complexities related to global M&A is difficult and there are many vendors that focus on providing services to assist companies and their partners.  Some great people who know about this are Dave Snowden,  or Shai Verma, now at HP and whom I have worked with at PwC.  For those folks who need to go really fast and use their own people and tools we suggest the concept of Resonance and our own SpeedSynch Resonance Maps.

If you employ a BPO factory or consultancy or involved in an M&A think about ways to reduce your risk and assess the hidden opportunities M&A will offer you, whether you are ready or not.


Nick Trendov  nick@scenario2.com @SpeedSynch

Twitter Plans for Resonance Monetization #IN Internet Advertising

Twitter’s plans for resonance monetization focus on their ability to leverage resonance algorithms to understand the relationships of people, blog posts or Tweets and how they intereact with media.

Advertisers and Real-Time Analytics

Twitter has a unique ability to provide their advertisers with real-time analytics of how people interact with advertising messages across media spaces and offer real-time marketing trends related to blogs, web or Social Media sites.

SpeedSynch Resonance Maps

Below is an example of a SpeedSynch Resonance map which we use to align people, processes. products or content for wayfinding or fast learning.  By levaraging Business Intelligence and Semantic technologies SpeedSynch is able to provide clear and fast insight to Twitter streams and how people interact across media channels or with advertising messages.

Resonance Analytics

Resonance Montetization depends on measures and analytics to offer perspectives helpful to advertisers or their customers so that they can adjust budgets, messages and determine when and where to engage their customers with promoted Tweets.

Contact us to explore the value of Twitter Resonance, Tweet analytics and the impact on your media budgets or ability to engage your future customers.  


Nick Trendov @SpeedSynch  nick@scenario2.com



See the image below on Flickr here–

Canadian Internet Search experts highlighted #IN and SpeedSynch Resonance Map

Yet another Canandian firm with a long history of internet search expertise is Affinity as seen highlighted in the SpeedSynch Resonance Map below.


Nick Trendov @SpeedSynch  nick@scenario2.com
